Thursday, July 15, 2010

Even Affiliates Have to Pay The Price

Success is not an accident. It is the product of hard work, learning from failure, persistance, and determination. Someone once said that " You will pay the price of discipline or you will pay the price of regret ether way you will have to pay."

What this means is that you need to take control of your financial future. This may sound easier than said but truly it is in fact easy. So, what is required in order for someone to take control of their financial future? Here is the hitch isn’t it? This may be different for everyone. For some it is reducing debt, cutting costs on convenience items, setting aside money for children’s college funds, and so on.

The biggest mistake that people make though is that they sit on the fence and do nothing. They work their day to day lives until they are miserable and depressed and eventually end up on some kind of anti depression or anxiety medication. When they hit the age of retirement they end up looking back at their past to find out that there is no pension, their 401k isn’t enough, and that social security is of no help to them for retirement.

They are poor again , or still, life never got any easier for them and now they need a blood pressure medicine for the unmeasurable amount of regret that they have built for themselves because they never took the steps needed to secure their financial future.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top 5 Question to Ask When Choosing an Affiliate Program

Nothing hurts your pocket book and worse yet your pride to know that you have been ’ HAD ’ by what you thought was a successful business venture. So here are 5 questions that will help you pick the right affiliate program for you.

When researching an affiliate program you should consider a few points of interest.

Has the company been in business very long? usually this is a good way to tell if it has built up a good customer base already.

Is there any contact information on the website? Check to see if you can get a hold of someone that can help you if you can’t figure something out or your resources don’t come in. If this information is not there this could point out a scam.

Dose the program enforce an exclusivity clause? If so, you may not be able to promote that company’s products with other competitor’s products on the same site.

Dose the program have an affiliation with the B.B.B. ? This question is entirely optional. However if they do it will provide you with the best information about the program including pros, cons, and a list of complaints that previous customers have had.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Great Affiliate Marketing Blogger

On June 30, 2010 I came across a blog post by R.G. written for the Affiliate Training Pros Blog. In his article he posted a very useful tool that, if it is not, should be used by all Online Affiliate Marketers. The Google ’ Wonder Wheel.’ Google’s Web Wheel can be found on the left side of the Google’s main web page.

Like Google’s free adword tool, Google’s Wonder Wheel acts in a similar way. It allows you to research multiple and similar keywords without having to leave the googles main page. It also helps you to find more and interesting keywords.

If you would like to read the article written by R.G check it out here!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Top 4 Marketing Leads by an Affiliate Marketer

Are you using a web site or squeeze page for your affiliate marketing? If so, you may have realized that finding relevant traffic that converts to leads for your site is exceptionally difficult. You should try branching out and letting others do the grunt work for you. So here are 4 traffic generating ideas that will help you bring more customers to your site.

  1. E-mail Marketing
  2. Banner Advertising/ Exchange
  3. Search Engine Submission
  4. Social Bookmarking

If you are sending out E-mail burst each week or month ensure that in each E-mail there is a direct ’ call to action ’ in each letter. Such as " Retweet this message if you found it interesting. " This will bring in more people than just who you sent the E-mail to.

Banner advertisements are the leading source of achieving high CTR (Click Through Rates ).

Search Engine Submissions should be a no-brainer by I thought I should add this for the beginner.

Social Bookmarking and staying active in social media is a great way to make your site or product become viral.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The top 4 reasons for searching the net

If you , as an affiliate marketer, plan to get leads and customers online you need to know The 4 major reasons why people search the internet.

1.) People are usually searching for a solution to a problem or question like " what is lymphoma ? "

2.) They search for information on a topic or product

3.) They search for something to buy--they may already have something in mind but are looking for product reviews in order to decide.

4.) They also search for ways to entertain themselves such as videos, humor, games, and even reading material.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

8 Reasons to become an Affiliate Marketer

I have worked with a lot of people in the past that seem to ask me the same question. Why would you ever want to become an affiliate marketer making money for someone else? Well, duh, I thought that it was common knowledge that when you have a JOB you are making money for someone else. However, I never had a clear and defined outline of reasons for becoming an affiliate marketer. I took some time and came up with 8 reasons for me to become an affiliate marketer. Some of these reasons may also inspire you as well to become an affiliate marketer yourself.

The ability to make money without having to deal with any customers Ever Again!

Affiliate Marketing is a business that works 24/7 - all year long!

The commute to work every day is the distance from bedroom to computer.

Your bank statement every morning shows more deposits than withdraws.

I pick the hours you work each day, week, month, and year.

There is little or no overhead cost, so almost all money gained is profit.

I can have enough time to take the vacations I want and take work with me.

I just want to relax and take it easy while others are working 40 - 60 hour workweeks just to pay the bills... I have been here working more than 48 hours a week every week for years.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Myths - Myth One

Like many online business Affiliate Marketing is no stranger to the sands of time. And with its exposure to so many people comes with it a great deal of myths. There are many skewed, twisted truths, and unclear teachings that have lead to a great number of Affiliate Marketing myths.

One such myth is that Affiliate Marketing is easy money. Contrary to what many marketers would like you to think, affiliate marketing is no overnight financial cure. It, like all good things in life, take time. Many good affiliate marketers spend their time researching their target markets and trends. As an affiliate you should be able to identify your audience and their personal demands.

Affiliate marketers don’t achieve immediate financial success overnight. They work exceptionally hard learning from their mistakes, studying campaigns, and testing diffident markets and methods. Only after all of this hard work is success achieved.

Affiliate Marketing - Quick Terminology 2

Above the Fold is an old advertising term adapted to the online world. This term describes the part of a web page or email message that is visible without the need to scroll down the page.

Studies have proven that content above the fold are more valuable to the reader than what is below the fold ’. With that bing said, you should make every attempt to place relavant, clickable information, ’ above the fold ’. Also, most internet users seem to click in the upper left corner.

The Affiliate Marketing - Warning

If you are new to affiliate marketing they you know that, finding what to market, when to market, and where to market, can be very overwhelming.

There is a lot of false information from some affiliate marketers posing as experts. All they seem to want is to sell you something that you don’t need. Several of the eboks that are from beginner marketers only seem to provide you with a portion of the formula for success.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Guide - Quick Terminology

Today, I ask the questions.What is Viral Marketing? And what dose Viral Marketing mean to an Affiliate Marketer?

First lets delve into the grossly overpopulated phrase that is used on the internet, "Viral Marketing." Viral Marketing dose not mean that marketers are corrupting other peoples computers with viruses.

Viral Marketing is the system that an affiliate marketer would use in order for other groups of people to market their product. For example if all of your friends on Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter would post a link to your site. This would be considered Viral Marketing because it is of no cost to the Affiliate Marketer and your site is still being exposed to other potential customers.

Viral Marketing usually involves the distribution of a free or bonus gift for sighing up. Such as getting a free e-mail address with Any more, everyone needs an e-mail address. So when one person finds out they tell a friend and their friends tell more friends.

This is more of a word of mouth marketing plan that works well for many Affiliate Marketers because it is a fee service. And if you are a beginner Affiliate you will need all the free help you can get.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Affiliate Marketers Most Important Asset - Time vs. Cost

My affiliate marketing goal when I first began as an affiliate was to not only learn how to become an affiliate marketer but, to also learn what I was doing when I was doing it. In my months of research I have come across some highly interesting information.

First, which some of you may already know is that nobody wants to share the relavant information that makes them money. And if they do want to share the information they do it in such a way that everyone trying to learn can’t figure out what they are trying to say. These poor communicators also seem to try and milk you of more money as well.

The second is that it has come to my attention that most affiliate marketers spend most of their time trying to bring in traffic to their sites/blogs. Of course this is true because you can’t make a commission if nobody knows that your site and links exist. Right? I mean that it is your job as an affiliate to bring traffic isn’t it?

Also, as an affiliate there is something that you should know. If you do not already know, you should learn the difference between Price and Cost. Every affiliate marketing goal should have this in mind. Price is how much money you spend. As a beginner affiliate marketer the price you can spend may be low. Cost however is what is taken from you. For instance, it cost you your most valuable asset, time, to become a professional blogger.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Guide - 6 steps you need to know

1. The first step is to have a url that includes the keyword(s) that you will be using in your site or blog. A key word is a word or group of words that would usually be typed into a search engine in order to find what you are looking for.So if your site topic is about "affiliate marketing" your url should contain a similar key word.

2. The second step is to made sure that your site is easy to use for Everyone. There is nothing worse than knowing that a site has a good product but now know how to get it. Cramped and cluttered sites with lots of dazzle and no content will kill a sale.

3. With each site you should have some tipe of Bonus or Give away value. (i.e. if you sign up you will receive a newsletter or a special report.) Also if you are running multiple, similar sites, do not offer the same bonus reward. This may cause viewers to turn away.

4. Ensure that you are satisfying your visitors with quality content on each page/post. That’s right don’t copy and paste from another site you will get caught and the litigation process is not pretty.

5. Place a link to your url everywhere you can. Here is a list of places to put your url: Email signature, Forum signature, as a link in pictures, within your bio, on other blogs comments page, within the resource page of a submitted article.

6. Lastly, make sure to submit your site to Top Search Engines, Directories, and Social Bookmarking Sites.

Search Engines:,,, .com, ect.

Article Directories:,,, ect.

Bookmark Directories:,,, ect.

From The owner of The Affiliate Marketing Guide

Hi, my name is Adam,

I have been around the affiliate marketing industry for a while now. I have spent many hours doing research and self training. When I started I had no budget. That’s right, no investment capitol at all. I spent many nights falling asleep at the kitchen table when I should have been going to sleep with my wife or seeing my kids off to bed.

I spent most of my research combing through squeeze pages and article on how a twenty-something year old just mad a million dollars with his totally awesome system. I knew that if these kids could do it so could I. I would just have to do it the hard way until I built up enough investment capitol to acquire some choice software that most of these kids where promoting.

During my research I did not just sifted through information I took notes. Lots of Notes. I not only took notes on the systems that everyone promoted. I also took notes on what the software did as well. I build my own three ring binder and filled it full of notes. When I got bored of research I would organize my notes and print them off for easy reading later. Inside my binder is a collection of affiliate marketing guides, systems, charts, and resources.

And that was how I realized that I had just wrote my first Affiliate Guide for myself. A collection of information that lead me to become a great affiliate marketer.