Thursday, July 15, 2010

Even Affiliates Have to Pay The Price

Success is not an accident. It is the product of hard work, learning from failure, persistance, and determination. Someone once said that " You will pay the price of discipline or you will pay the price of regret ether way you will have to pay."

What this means is that you need to take control of your financial future. This may sound easier than said but truly it is in fact easy. So, what is required in order for someone to take control of their financial future? Here is the hitch isn’t it? This may be different for everyone. For some it is reducing debt, cutting costs on convenience items, setting aside money for children’s college funds, and so on.

The biggest mistake that people make though is that they sit on the fence and do nothing. They work their day to day lives until they are miserable and depressed and eventually end up on some kind of anti depression or anxiety medication. When they hit the age of retirement they end up looking back at their past to find out that there is no pension, their 401k isn’t enough, and that social security is of no help to them for retirement.

They are poor again , or still, life never got any easier for them and now they need a blood pressure medicine for the unmeasurable amount of regret that they have built for themselves because they never took the steps needed to secure their financial future.

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